Vision & Work
In my world healing means re-membering your natural wholeness ever more deeply. We just so happen to live in a society that has forgotten and has mostly lost any reverence for the human spirit. The widespread disconnection from ourselves, our bodies and therefore our felt-sense of what we are runs rampant in the collective. Yet, an increasing amount of people is currently in the process of awakening from their spiritual slumber and realising a much larger vision of themselves & reality as a whole. This very process carries many different aspects which may be disorienting and even frightening at times. Any individual undergoing such a deep reckoning of their inherently divine nature will be challenged to move way beyond of what is known in order to integrate new ways of thinking, feeling and being in the world. Intelligent & embodied guidance is needed now more than ever.​
My work is about expansion of consciousness through a liberated presence in our body. Increasing our presence within our physical vessel plays a crucial role in healing from what limits our capacity to truly feel alive. As we start to recover from internal numbness and disassociation, new worlds begin to open up inside of ourselves that will further support a sense of feeling grounded while simultaneously paving the way to integrating more and more of our cosmic nature. I call this the opening of our energetic body.
Grounding into the body is a crucial practice during these times of awakening. As the bombardment of higher dimensional energy starts to affect our awareness, anchoring ourselves becomes increasingly important. The more rooted we feel, the higher our level of consciousness can rise because expansion needs stability.​​​​​​​​​​​​

The Tree of Life
The more relaxed & open we become on a physical level, the more energy we start to be able to have flowing through our system. As energy & consciousness are both sides of the same coin, we are bound to become more conscious as a result. In this way, our energetic field becomes stronger and gradually less susceptible to unwanted influences.
In other words, I support people in opening to more of their own energy. Oftentimes, a substantial amount of it is still locked up in pockets of suppressed feelings and negative belief systems. All of this ties back to the age-old law; as within, so without. When our internal currents start to flow more and more freely again, we start to see corresponding changes in our external reality. It is all interconnected. The level of alignment in your external reality is a direct reflection of how much internal energy is able to move as it was intended in you.
The external always follows the internal.
​​The big questions of life have intrigued me since early childhood. My desire to make sense of this world would only intensify in my mid-teens upon reading my first book about spiritual awakening. From then on forward, my yearning for divine truth & freedom turned into a literal obsession that has not stopped to this day.
I would later spend many years actively working through far-reaching layers of pain, fear, shame and general insecurity with myself. This has led me down the path to engaging with various forms of meditation, qigong, psychedelics, different diets, fasting, emotional & sexual alchemy and other types of energy work - all with the help of amazing healers, guides and friends.
Through all of this work, I've been experiencing a continuous expansion of awareness and deeper connection with my body - eventually leading to several powerful energetic initiations that completely rocked my perception of reality and the true nature of what we are.
After a series of intuitive nudges I started training as a craniosacral therapist in early 2023. By working with other people, my understanding of the human energetic system has deepened greatly and very quickly. After a full kundalini awakening exactly one year later, my ability to feel, see & hear beyond this physical realm has increased massively. This has tremendously enriched an ongoing exploration of my own brand of remote energy healing & intuitive counselling before feeling guided to go official and offer this body of work to the greater public.